
Air Filter Regulator

Air Filter Regulator with the small structure, which is easy to install, therefore, it is used together with pneumatic actuator. If the air filter regulator is designed as a whole, it is called two-piece components. Air filter regulator can regulate the pressure of the gas source and keep the gas source in a constant state. It can reduce the damage to the hardware such as valve or actuator caused by sudden change of the gas pressure of the gas source. The filter is used to clean the air source. It can filter the water in the compressed air and avoid the water entering the device with the gas.

Ordering hotline:021-54150349

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  • Product introduction
  • Product parameters
 Compact structure
- Small hysteresis and good regulation characteristics
- Two pressure regulation ranges: 0.5-7 bar and 0.5-12 bar
- With manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic condensate discharge
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